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© Virginie Segard. Cet article est protégé par le droit d’auteur. Tous droits réservés.

My participation as a torchbearer for the
Vancouver Olympic Games 2010

Virginie Segard

relais de la flamme olympique
© Droits d'auteur
My participation as a torchbearer for the Vancouver Olympic Games 2010 meant a lot to me as I am now part of the history of Canada in general and of the Olympic Games.
Canada is my country of adoption. I am originally from France and arrived in Canada in September 2005. I am now a Canadian citizen and have dual citizenship, which for me is a huge accomplishment.
I have a lot of great memories here and at the top is the weekend I spent in Summerside, Prince-Edward-Island, as a torchbearer. I took part in the Legs for Literacy half-marathon in Moncton in October 2009. Nature and sports play an important part in my life.
Participating as a torchbearer was an opportunity for me to experience both as the torch relay is a wonderful way to show people around the world the natural wonders of Canada and its rich and various cultures through the spirit and energy of sports.
I have lived in different countries in Europe and in the Middle East and I realize how lucky I have been to live and work in such a country as Canada.
I was proud to have a role in the Olympic Games and to fly the Canadian flag for an international event like the Olympic Games. Being there for such an event was an honour. I felt like my torch was a link between two cultures. To me, it embodied the light at the end of a dark tunnel I had to go through, surmounting many obstacles on my way.
I am proud to be a Canadian. Congratulations to all participants in this event! Congratulations to all athletes! I will never forget this moment!

Virginie Segard
Traductrice agréée/Certified Translator
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